November 8, 2017
2017 ASRM Congress Outcome
Our team at Professional Transition Strategies attended the 2017 ASRM Congress in San Antonio, Texas last week! If you aren’t familiar, the ASRM Congress is an annual meeting for the American Society for Reproductive medicine. It has an annual attendance of more than 5,000 experts from all around the globe. Among these experts are genetic counselors, andrologists, obstetrician/gynecologists, nurses, and more.
This was our first year being an exhibitor at The 2017 ASRM Congress. In fact, we were the only transition broker with a focus in fertility and reproductive medicine in attendance. While we didn’t know what to expect going in, we were blown away with meeting some of the most influential people in reproductive medicine! Further, the other exhibitors inspired us with their work and passion for building healthy families.
While there, we had the pleasure of speaking with lots of doctors who are in need of our services. We found that our presence was an eye-opener — a lot of doctors that we talked to didn’t know that our services existed.
Here is some information about our company, as well as answers to frequently asked questions.
We are a transition broker with a focus in fertility and reproductive medicine. We act as a resource to doctors who are looking to sell their fertility clinic.
If you are wondering why you would need a transition broker, it is because selling a medical practice is an intricate process. Not only does it include the financial and physical challenges, but it can include emotional challenges as well. PTS can help you navigate this process because we have been there and we know the components for a smooth transition. We realize that every situation is unique and we will help you decipher which option is best for you.
We had several doctors at the Congress ask us if they needed to sell their fertility clinic. Our answer is yes — every doctor that owns a clinic should eventually plan to sell. Many doctors will get paid well for their life’s work — as long as they have proper planning and assistance. Others will miss opportunities because of fear or misinformation and only get a fraction of the worth of their practice. Our advice is don’t count on the sale of your practice to fund your retirement plan, but don’t walk away from a valuable asset.
Another popular question that we were asked was about the right time to sell a practice. As doctors grow older, their circumstances and needs will change. Their capabilities and stamina also change as their biological clocks wind down. Our recommendation is to set the sale of your practice as a carefully planned event. If a personal crisis dictates the sale, the sale becomes more difficult with a greater risk of lost revenue. For best results, plan early so you can control the outcome. The longer you wait, the opportunity to plan and direct the course of the sale diminishes.
Overall, we had a wonderful time at the 2017 ASRM Congress will definitely go back next year! If you have any questions about our services, feel free to contact us!