September 18, 2018
4 Steps to Selling Your Dental Practice
A successful dental practice transition doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, a well-laid plan to sell your dental practice should start as early as five years out, depending on whether you’re looking to retire or bring on a partner. Here are the steps you should take to sell your dental practice.
Hire a broker
A qualified broker will perform a complete appraisal on your practice, help you understand your options in terms of a timeframe for the sale, offer advice on how to increase the value of your practice, market your practice and reach out to potential buyers, and schedule showings of the practice, as well as ensure you are still concentrating on the health of your practice. While most brokers charge a fee, Professional Transition Strategies (PTS) can occasionally perform these services at no charge.
Vet potential buyers
A nondisclosure agreement (NDA) is signed by every potential buyer who inquires about your practice, after which time a prospectus is sent. A conversation between the potential buyer and broker then takes place to answer questions and gain a better understanding of the buyer’s intent. If the practice is deemed to be a good fit, a letter of intent is submitted, which typically takes 10 days.
Due diligence process
Once the seller and buyer agree to the terms, the due diligence process begins, which can take anywhere from 30 to 45 days. PTS can provide a checklist of the due diligence process for the seller that includes a breakdown of the practice corporation, personal funds and treatment of accounts receivable, in addition to real estate, insurance and licensing.
Notifying patients and staff
To preserve the relationship with your patients and staff, you’ll want to tread lightly when announcing the transition. Staff should be notified 15 to 30 days before the closing, whereas patients and referrals should only be notified after the closing date.
What’s next?
Read our e-book “Strategies for Transition,” then contact the experts at PTS to start the process of selling your dental practice.