What Is Anxiolytic Sedation?

If you’re still using a needle to numb a site, it’s time to consider an alternative: conscious sedation with oral medication. Sometimes supplemented by N2O, anxiolytic sedation is the ultimate modality for both dentists and patients. Here’s why you should consider predictably painless anesthesia for your dental practice. 

The alternative

A shot is a shot, no matter how much you think it might not hurt compared to the bigger picture of the treatment. Even the most highly successful dentists can’t take the pain away from the fear factor associated with a needle, especially with young children. In addition to patient comfort, conscious sedation reduces the dentist’s stress and enhances profitability by allowing more extended and efficient appointments.

The pros

Anxiolytic sedation saves 10 minutes per procedure by not administering local. It also saves the patient from “frozen cheeks” or chewed lips after a treatment. When applied with a topical anesthetic, it works particularly well on small cavities, to start. What’s more, the addition of N2O is billable, averaging $75 per session, which adds up over time, on top of the time savings.

The cons

Patients may be reluctant to try a new method for pain mitigation, but a little practice and knowledge will help put both parties at ease. Parents of young children will especially thank you.

What’s next?

Contact the experts at Professional Transition Strategies for more tips on how to save time and money at your dental practice.